You Make it Happen!
April 22, 2017
Your contributions help us meet our mission to ensure that the legacy of the valiant, courageous men and women who served our country during World War II are never forgotten. We would like to recognize and thank the following donors for their recent contributions.
In Honor Of:
Walter Bronson – WWII
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beaumont
Robert L. Callaway, USA
Eric Ohlson
Roger W. Cherrington
Dr. Stephen Hatfield
Chandler Francis Dempsey
Susan Smart
Lt. Cmdr. Peter Garton, Aust. Navy
Peter Garton
Charles J. Haessig, Pearl Harbor Survivor, USS Sacramento
Don Norton
Curtiss Karlstad, CPT, USA
Linda Peete-Flom
Sgt. Peter L. Nespoli, USMC
Thomas & Annette Walters/Stelk
Joe Ober, WWII, Pearl Harbor Survivor
Eddie Johnston
William Lloyd Parker, USN
Jane Champion
Brian Priest
Dena Zook-Howell
Staff Sgt. Ryan Richter
Ryan Richter
Clarence Rugger, USN, Pearl Harbor Survior
Joseph Rugger
Thomas Sannino, CPO, USN, ‘57-’84
Michele Sannino
Andy Sedlak, USN, Guam
Patricia Diamond
MM3 Jack Melvin Sexton, USN, USS Doyle
Thomas E. Sexton
Master Sgt. Shanks
Melanie Trenkamp
James P. Smith
James P. Smith
John L. Sommers
John T. Sommers
Lynn Springer, Army Air Corps
Norman Springer, Jr.
In Memory Of:
Dewey H. Chew
Gail Ann Chew
Maj. John Gaston, USMC (Ret.)
Alexander “Sandy” Gaston
Lawrence A. “Lonnie” Goldman
Dave & Tina Arseneault
Laura Ksenak
Paula Rogers
Harriet Yogel
Marshall R. Hatfield, USS Minneapolis
Dr. Stephen Hatfield
Robert Kovar
Rose Richards
Pasquale “Pat” Joseph Librie, Pearl Harbor Survivor, Schofield
Patricia Butrym
Karen Dempsey
Maria & Robert Manzi
Beloved Husband, Pearl Harbor Survivor
Mrs. David R. Schupbach
Jack Stoeber, Pearl Harbor Survivor, USS Whitney
Florence Stoeber
James E. VanDerKamp Sr.
Jim VanDerKamp
Herbert Weatherwax, Pearl Harbor Survivor, Schofield
Kathleen Smith
Thank You
For the electronic visual display equipment at the Pearl Harbor Visitors Center
Abbeville Press
Joanne Adams
Marvin Alexander
Patricia Allen
Anthony Anzalone
James Asaph
Monica Atneosen
John Bachman
Firman Balza
Gregg Barron
Steven & Gail Bauer
Robert Beard
Farrel Becker
Andrew Benish
Dena Bialick
Arleigh Birk
George Blake
Donald Bloomfield
Edward Bogan
Glen Bower
Robert Boyle
Carlton Brandon
Juanita Brothers
Kathy A. & James R. Brown
Marjorie Bruckmueller
Judith Campbell
George Carr
Gail Carroll
Roy Carter
George Carvalho
Al Cashmir
Cris Castro
Gary Chabot
Harry Chandler
Ann Chappell
Louis Chertkow
Paul Christensen
Albert Citero
Carl Cline
Vera Cline
Kenneth Coates
Combat Artist Collection
Carol Connor
Harold Conrad
Aaron W. & Marjorie W. Cook
Ralph Cook
Dixie Cranford
Richard Cullison
John Currie
Frank DeFoor
Vesta DeRiso
Davide Donati
Robert M. & Kathleen A. Donlon
Allen R. & Linda Douglas
Vaughn Drake
Santi & Michele Dramko
Linda Dudik
Joe Dwight
Patrick Ehmann
Angelina Engel
Frank Fachman
Kathleen Farley
Wade Ford
Jane Fortner
George Fosdick
Donald Frost
Edward Funkhouser
Michael Gallamore
Nicholas Glavocich
George Gornick
Google Grants
Robert Greenleaf
Ronald Gregoncza
James & Kathleen O’B. Hackett
Hagadone Printing Company
Irene Hagan
Montgomery Hand
Stephen M. & Patricia A. Hand
John E. & Mary Linda Hartwell
Hawaii State Tours
William H. & Frances L. Haynes
Melvin Heckman
Stuart Hedley
Mary Hicks
Charles Higgins
Carl Hines
Robert Holstrom
Herman Horn
William Howell
Betty Humphrey
Charles Imus
Karen Intemann
Janis Jacquot
Jeanette Johnson
Robert Jones
Edward & Reena Kanner
Michael Karas
Sherrie Kaya
Alan Kendrick
Chandra Kim
William King
Cole Kingseed
Ronald Knakmuhs
John R. & Laura L. Knight
Erma Koenig
Earl J. & Judith M. Kohler
Bryan Kriewald
Selma Kull
Michael Laconsay
Hubert M. & Judy Lattan
Lance Lehman
Theresa Leister
John Litman
Richard Little
Bo Long
Carol Lordo
Mac MacKenzie
James J. & Rita M. Maher
Milton Mapou
Peter Martin
Nicholas Martino
Erika Matsunaga
William McAnany
Casey McBride
Bruce McCaw
Clifford McFarland
Christine McGough
Imogene McIntire
Andrew & Debbie McKane
Don McKee
Richard McMahon
Irwin Mess
Edward Miklavcic
Thomas Millsap
Leslie Ann Molessa
Barbara Moller
Marilee Montanaro
Susan Moore
James H. Von Schilling & Laurel C. Moore
Lauire Moore
Brian Moore
Gary L. & Carolyn S. Moore
Tad Motteler
Lester Murray
Michael Murray
David Muschek
National Park Foundation
Robin Nelson
Network for Good
David Niolet
Joseph Noddin
John W. & Nancy J. Ogg
Pacific Islands Institute, Ltd.
David Pacion
George Pann
Gary Parsh
James & Pamela Poley
Randy D. and Susan K. Presler
Clifford Provencal
William Ransom
William Rhodes
Joseph Richard
Paul Richardson
Jack Rogo
Margie Rose-Chirrick
Kayla Rosenfeld
John Ross
Thomas Ryan
Edean Saito
Harry Salsberry
Terrence & Margaret Scandrett
Edward Schmidt
Thomas Schneider
Bernadine Seabury
Michael Sgro
Douglas Sheehan
Allan Shikhvarg
Valarie Showers
Edward J. & Vicki Skonieczny
Mary Smith
Thomas Smith
Edward Smith
Robert Smith
Greg Smith
John Smouse
Sandra Spaulding
Raymond Spencer
Leo Stewart
Vernon T. & Fredreca Stone
Edward Stone
Kenneth Sweet
Robert A. & Colleen A. Taylor
TE Connectivity
The Romani, Jr. Family
Arthur Thomas
Joseph Todd
Joyce Tupper
Warren Upton
Evelyn Urban
USS Corry Association #817
Maryann Visin
Marion Vowell
Steven L. & Suzanne E. Waldusky
James Warner
Frank Wasniewski
Weatherwax Ohana
Samuel Webb
Joseph Welsh
Virginia West
Chad Westrom
Maureen Wetnight
Helen Whitaker
Joseph V. & Judith L. Whitt
Cecil Wigmore
Brian Witt
Benjamin Wojtas
Harley Wright
Edward Wright
Harriet Yogel
Betty Young
Joseph Zemko
Hao Zheng
Harold E. & Peggy A. Ziegler
To donate, call (808) 954-8726 or click here.